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Friday, January 4, 2013

Woke up, still in fear. Facing the reality each day for me is a struggle. I can hardly make it through. Can't help but have all those worries in my mind. I need to escape. Probably when I have my own passport and I'll go for a little time out. Not sure to where, just somewhere alone I guess.

Even if I'm able to hang on here, my heart might not be able to take it anymore. All those feelings that I once felt, I'm feeling it again. It can be as scary as having those suicide thoughts. I can probably feel those helpless people now.

Blame me, scold me for being so negative and all. I'm sorry but I'm not a positive person. I went through that much, yes, that much to be who I am today, but it's still not enough. I need a guide, please just guide me in to being cheerful again, even if it's only for a while.

I'm happy, but no, I have more worries to handle than I can find my happiness. Need a tear out session.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Just got myself a little time, read through those old posts of mine and boyf's. How sweet we used to be. Not that now's a disaster. But all I've been hearing from boyf recently is to not be sad, he even say that I wasn't like this last time.

I'm sorry but I guess I've just introduced my true self to him. Life isn't full of happiness for me, I worked my way through. Happiness is what I gain for rewards, just like pets receive their treats as rewards. It doesn't always happen.

Maybe I just chose to believe I don't deserve happiness. Probably because I done too much bad.

All I have in mind when reading through those posts was, Aw was that us? How I missed those times. Not just me being sad every now and then, but he was too sweet back then. & I'm truly pampered. How can I not be happy, how can I not smile at the someone who try so hard to make me happy?

But now when I'm sad, instead of getting love and someone there to comfort, cheer me up, I have someone else to be sad together with me. Which I'm sure I doesn't need the togetherness during those periods. Just need a hug, a tight one will work best, I guess.

Maybe both of us stopped trying hard, stopped putting in that much effort as we used to.. but all I know is having him with me was probably the best thing that has happened on me. So please, just forgive me for those mistakes I made.

Everyday's a long day ever since my intern started. My intern was supposed to end today, and today was supposed to be a happy day, so does my every day.

But, I'm not. In fact, it's hurting me, so bad.
It's gonna be 2 years, me and my boyf got together. This journey wasn't easy. There was ups and there was down. It wasn't easy but we went through it. I love him. But I didn't know that my love for him has caused him to lose most of his friends, if it was in any case my fault. & for me to lose mine, all I guess.

I guess I'm sorry, for being jealous, I guess this is why people says jealousy kills, isn't it? Sorry for being like a honey sticking around him all the time. I guess he no longer want me 24/7 with him. It's sad to get that kind of feeling and not knowing what to do. But yeah, I'll get through it, just like how my 19 years of life has passed .

I'm no longer the one who has all listening ears up for me, no longer the one who wants attention from all, no longer the one who will express my thoughts and just here alone, tearing and updating this dead blog of mine.

Falling apart once again. Guess it's just me and my fault and I deserve everything cause I ask for it. I'm so sorry.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hey, I just met you ~ & this is crazy ~

HAHA ok, no I met you for a long time alr (maybe not long enough) but I LOVE YOU the most!

Had a hair cut for about 2 months already? I think, yeah, quite a huge difference from my normal long and heavy hair which makes me look tired all the time!
I think short hair suits me better? Change-d for the better! It's good to try sometimes, even if you think it might not suit! Me, as an example! :D

I think my boyf looks really cute in this picture, doesn't he? Awwws.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Haven't been writing a post for a very long time, I guess I've already lost all my readers, or to say there is none from the start?
Decided to write a post, since I'm in blogger updating my FYP team blog, isn't that awesome?
I already have a total of 6 blogs in this one account.

Another reason why I decided to blog is because I have no one else to talk to.
My best friend, is away on internship to somewhere far away and will only be back in a week or two, seems near? Probably not, I waited for so long, only finally to receive her call yesterday, telling me that she'll be back soon! I waited for her, cause she's the only one I can think of, someone that I can htht with.

I have a boyf, he loves me, I love him. Still, there are time when I don't feel like talking to him, times when we quarrel and I need someone else to be there. Too bad, maybe my life isn't that 'good' to have another one who will always be beside. Maybe because I neglected all my friends, (I really miss them so much..) I miss my bff, Kylie, my daddy, Shen Yuan, my bestf, David, my best sis, pam and yy, my ah kor, Jian Ming, few others who I miss, Marcus, Leroy, those people who I'll probably won't spend any more days with like how we did last time. Not saying that its impossible (unless I try) but we've lost contact with for so long, and we'll all be like strangers, if we ever met again..

Anyway, yes, I need someone else to be there for me, haven't been making friends and neglecting all my other friends, I'm probably considered as friend-less now :( pathetic, yeah right.

Not to forget, I still have a family that loves and support me, a boyf that will love me and sacrifice even though I shout at him and be unreasonable sometimes.

Times when I really want to have a big quarrel with him because there's so much hurt I felt, but afraid of being left all alone. Yes, I guess I'm a coward, because I can't afford to lose anyone else, anymore, ever in my life.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

I know I tear most of the time at night, I know I make people worry. I know that I could have avoided it. I know that I could maintain. I know that I can take every step to make it not happen. I know that I could be the change. I know that I should stop expecting so that I could feel better. I know that I don't know what I know when I'm not thinking of the things that I know. So forgive me if in any case, I'm not behaving the way that I usually was.

I'm not a every day blogger. I don't blog about my every day life.
Just like in reality, I don't do the same things everyday, I don't tell someone all the things that I do.

I don't like to be judge, I don't like to be asked, I don't like to repeat, I don't like to be forced, in short, I hate to do things that I don't like.
I'm not that stubborn if you know me well enough. I'm not that difficult to handle if you know me well enough. Little things that could be done without saying.

When I'm a little quiet when nothing seems to have happen, fact is I don't know what have happened and I'm taking every little things that is going to happen in to consideration of what contributed to why I'm behaving in that particular way.

I'm quiet, I seems to ignore, I said nothing, I shake my head.
Most of the times, I just found new reason/ be reminded of reasons why I hate my life.
I'm already being ignored, so I shall ignore.
I don't get the things that I want/I expected to happen.
I hate it when being ask if I'm ok but the person who ask turns out to be the one who is not.
I needed words of comfort/ actions of comfort.
I don't need to be ask why I'm acting in a particular way because I don't know.
I don't need to be the one who is already feeling shitty and still needs to handle shitty things.
I won't repeat myself of things I once said and thought was being understood.
Just leave me alone if you think you'll turn out to be the one who needs to be comfort. I already have more to think for. & right after I'm done with thinking, I'll be ok. So what's the point of having more person left hanging?

Believe-d in Me.
Photobucket You know you'll never find anyone as stubborn as yours truly.

I'm friendly ^^v
Minyi Yeo

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Gone-d away
Kylie Meiyi Meverick Marcus Noel Pamela Peiling Serea Weihou Yuying

June 2010
July 2010
March 2011
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September 2011
May 2012
January 2013

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